Leap SchoolHouse
6634 0828
Accepts CDL E-Voucher
Accepts CDL Gift Voucher
LEAP SchoolHouse @ City Square Mall offers premium care and academic programmes for children from 2-17 months old (Infant Care), as well as preschool children from 18 months to 6 years old (Playgroup, Nursery and Kindergarten, both half-day and full-day available).
As an extension of its Enrichment arm, the preschool unit was established in 2016 and presently have outlets in Menteng (Central Jakarta, Indonesia) and Lufeng (Guangdong, China) as well.
With a Holistic Curriculum that incorporates Character Education in their daily activities, a smaller teacher-child ratio and heavy emphasis on having plenty of fun hands-on lessons, time spent in school meaningful will be more meaningful! Their mission is to create daily moments for each child to celebrate personal successes and to enjoy the process of learning!