Kumon Learning Centre
8878 5268
Accepts CDL E-Voucher
Accepts CDL Gift Voucher
Kumon is the world’s leading after-school enrichment programme, offering Mathematics and native language subjects to students from pre-school to secondary school.The Kumon Learning Centre located at City Square Mall is one of the latest Kumon Learning Centres that Kumon is opening in 2019 to further expand its network and work towards the brand’s mission of allowing as many children as possible to study with the Kumon Method and benefit from it. Kumon is an individualised, empowering learning method tailored to children’s ability, not age. It allows children to study independently at a level “just right” for them. The Kumon Method is known for imparting key life skills such as determination, independence and a passion for learning that will enable children to overcome obstacles in school and beyond.